Botcherby has been part of Carlisle for just over 100 years. It’s not an area I know, really. It seems it gets its name from a Flemish man called Bochard (the Norman version of his name) who was...Read More
Victorian jokes, to borrow a phrase, are no laughing matter. Ok, I’ll re-word that. Victorian jokes are no laughing matter to 21st century ears. There are many obvious things that have changed dow...Read More
Annetwell Street, Carlisle, isn’t much of a street today. Running alongside the Radio Cumbria building, it seems sidelined by the busy A595 Castle Way that slices through the city in front of the ca...Read More
Among the items on the agenda for visiting magistrates in Carlisle in October 1848 was the prison treadmill. The treadmill was down the list of topics to be discussed, but it is a reminder of this cur...Read More
May 6 1890 saw the death of a venerable lady (as she was termed) from a famous Cumbrian family: Elizabeth Pocklington Senhouse. Mrs Senhouse of Netherhall, Maryport, was 86, and what had started as a ...Read More